Git / Github

Git / Github



2 min read

  • #Git is a Distributed Version Control system (DVCS). It can track changes to a file and allows you to revert back to any particular change.

  • Unusually, a DVCS works by having three places to store things:

    1. Working Copy

    2. Staging

    3. Repository

  • One of the fundamental difference of Git that sets it apart from other VCS, this Staging tree (usually termed as Staging area) is a place where you prepare all the things that you are going to commit.


Installing Git

# sudo yum install git

Now check git version :

# git --version

Setting the Configuration


# git config --global “Ravipandit”

# git config --global

# git config --list

What is the need of git config


When we setup git and before adding bunch of files, We need to fill up username & email and it’s basically git way of creating an account.

Working with Git


Getting a Git Repository

# mkdir website

Initialising a repository into directory, to initialize git we use:


# git init

The purpose of Git is to manage a project, or a set of files, as they change over time. Git stores this information in a data structure called a repository.

# git init is only for when you create your own new repository from scratch.

It turns a directory into an empty git repository.

Basic Git Workflow


# git config --global “Ravipandit”

# git config --global

# git config --list

# mkdir demoproject : creating directory

# cd demoproject/

# git init : initializing git inside directory

# ls. : .git file will be present

# cat > file.txt : insert some text inside it

# git add .

# git status

# git commit -m "my first commit"

# git remote add origin <link> : copy link of repository from github.

# git branch : to check which branch you are currently in.

# git push -u origin main : file.txt will be pushed to github.

This is all for now, we will see git pull,branching,merging,cloning in the next section of this blog.